Namwera, Malawi
Namwera, Malawi
Since 2019, the program has supported 20447 Primary school pupils 837 Secondary school students and 4 girls in various universities. Trained 104 primary school teachers 45 secondary school teachers, 120 constructed 2
girls hostels, three teachers’ houses and renovated three classroom blocks in Mdinde and Mkumba Community Day Secondary Schools.
Furthermore, the program has initiated the establishment of 3 Community Education Fund in Jalasi, Katuli and Bwananyambi that support needy students and school infrastructure development plans. We are excited to see improve pass rate among girls and boys in both primary and secondary school. We see reduction in school dropout among the girls due to early pregnancies and marriages.
The program is aimed at improving equitable access to quality education to boys and girls. To achieve this goal, NACC is conducting social and community mobilization to create awareness on benefits of educating both boys and girls, policies and guidelines that support education, roles and responsibilities of community leaders, parents and education authorities in promoting access, retention and performance of girls and boys.
Conducting social and community mobilization to create awareness on benefits of educating both boys and girls
Building the capacity of school and community based structures in resource mobilization, management, leadership and governance.
Improving the learning environment through school infrastructure development
Continuous Professional Development for teachers
Support needy students with fees and scholastic materials