Namwera, Malawi
Namwera, Malawi
The goal of IECD is to create a stimulating environment that promote holistic child development. To achieve this goal, NACC is:
Building the capacity of families to meet the need of their children using Care for child development and Nurturing care tools.
Building the capacity of key actors in early childhood development at community and district levels. These actors include caregivers, CBOs, health workers, teachers, child protection officers, and community leaders among others to create conducive environment for child growth, survival and thrive. It is done through trainings, mentorship and coaching, supportive visits, and learning circles among others.
Social and community mobilization to create awareness on the benefits of investing in early years of children particularly the first 1000 days, policies and guidelines that support early childhood Development, identify factors that hinder holistic child development and identify sustainable strategies that enhance holistic child development.
Centre Based ECD services and Early Childhood Development Centers are established to act as an entry point for other services. It provides opportunities for play based learning, school readiness, growth monitoring, Vitamin A supplementation, immunization, deworming.
Cumulatively, from January 2019 to 31st December 2020, NACC supported 18,080 (7165 boys /10,915 girls) children age below 8 years, 165 Early Childhood Development Centers, 643 Caregivers (67 males and 576 females), 174 (47males and 127 females) Home Visitors, 100 Care groups, 3 Community ECD Technical Working Groups.
NACC is excited to see improvement in knowledge, skills, attitude and practice in parenting among the primary caregivers in the targeted communities. We are observing improvement in early learning, health and development outcomes. The community leaders are demonstrating the understanding on the importance of investing in early years by taking a leading in the initiative.